Unlock the Full Potential of Your File Management with WinZip

Discover the Power of WinZip: Your Ultimate File Management Solution

WinZip is a comprehensive file management tool designed to meet the diverse needs of individuals, small teams, and large enterprises. Whether you're looking to compress files, secure sensitive information, or streamline your workflows, WinZip offers a robust suite of features that make it the go-to solution for efficient file handling.

Key Features and Benefits

  1. Unparalleled File Compression

    • WinZip's industry-leading compression technology allows you to zip and unzip files quickly and efficiently, saving valuable storage space and enabling faster file transfers. It supports a wide range of formats, including ZIP, ZIPX, RAR, 7Z, and more.
  2. Advanced Encryption for Maximum Security

    • Protect your sensitive data with military-grade AES encryption. WinZip ensures your files are secure both in transit and at rest, complying with major standards like FIPS 140-2 and FIPS 197. This is crucial for businesses that handle confidential information and need to maintain strict data protection protocols.
  3. Seamless Cloud Integration

    • Manage your files across multiple cloud storage services with ease. WinZip integrates with popular cloud providers such as Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and more, allowing you to access, share, and secure your files from a single interface.
  4. Comprehensive PDF Management

    • Beyond simple PDF viewing, WinZip lets you create, convert, and manage PDFs effortlessly. Combine multiple documents into a single PDF, add watermarks, reorder pages, and secure your PDFs with encryption.
  5. Enhanced Collaboration Tools

    • Share files securely with colleagues and clients through various channels, including email, cloud services, and social media. The new WinZip SafeShare feature adds extra layers of security to your file-sharing activities, ensuring that your data remains protected.
  6. Automated Backup and Maintenance

    • WinZip's powerful backup capabilities allow you to create automated backup routines, ensuring your critical data is always safe. Store backups locally or in the cloud, and enjoy features like differential and incremental backups to save time and storage space.

WinZip 27 Enterprise License & CorelSure Maintenance (1yr) (MOQ 2-49)

Who Should Use WinZip?

  • Individual Users and Small Teams:

    • Ideal for those who need a reliable tool for everyday file compression and sharing. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, WinZip simplifies file management tasks, making it a great choice for personal use and small businesses.
  • Medium to Large Enterprises:

    • WinZip Enterprise offers advanced features tailored for larger organizations. From centralized IT control and endpoint backup to compliance and encryption, WinZip provides the tools necessary to enforce security policies, manage data efficiently, and support large teams.
  • IT Professionals and Data Managers:

    • For those responsible for data security and file management, WinZip's comprehensive encryption, compliance features, and automated maintenance tools provide a robust solution to safeguard and streamline operations.

WinZip 27 Pro License (MOQ 2-49)

Why Choose WinZip Over Competitors?

WinZip stands out in the crowded field of file management tools due to its combination of advanced features, ease of use, and strong security measures. While other tools may offer basic compression or cloud integration, WinZip's all-in-one approach—covering compression, encryption, backup, and sharing—ensures that you have everything you need in a single, cohesive package. This makes it particularly valuable for businesses that require a reliable, scalable solution for their file management needs.

WinZip 27 Standard License (MOQ 2-49)


WinZip is more than just a file compression tool; it's a comprehensive file management solution designed to meet the evolving needs of today's digital landscape. Whether you're looking to improve your workflow, enhance data security, or simplify file sharing, WinZip provides the tools and features necessary to achieve your goals.